How our Ancient Indians use to calculate Time, calendar, Space & Geography according to Srimad Bhagawatham.
To start with now will calculate age of Bhagwan Brahma first: Usually, 60 sec = 1 min, 60 min = 1 hour, 24 hours = 1 day, 7 days = 1 week, 30 days (on avg) = 1 month, 12 months = 1 year
Like this – 4,32,000 years is Kali Yuga
4,32,000X2 = 8,64,000 years is Dwapara Yuga
4,32,000X3 = 12,96,000 years is Treta Yuga
4,32,000X4 = 17,28,000 Years is Satya Yuga
All together four yugas is 1 Chatur Yuga i.e, 4,32,000 X (4+3+2+1) = 43,20,000 years is 1 Chatur Yuga
1000 Chatur Yugas is Brahma’s half day. (day time) another 1000 Chatur Yugas is Brahma’s 2nd half day (night time) 2000 Chatur Yugas is Brahma’s 1 whole day. like this 365 days for Brahma is 1 year. Brahma’s age is 100 years. after his tenure, next Brahma will be appointed.
How do we know the present age of Brahma? Now will explain how we calculate the exact age of Brahma running now. Most of the times we chant Sankalp. In Sankalp we mention about the current age of Brahma followed by your Geographical area from where you’re doing the pooja also mention about current ruthu, month, thithi, day, Nakshatra followed by the Karma you’re going to perform. Here we go with a Sankalp in Sanskrit for better understanding: Adhya Brahamanah (Present Brahma), His 100 years tenure is divided by 2 i.e, 1st 50 & 2nd 50. this division in Sanskrit called as Para. Now we are in 2nd Para. (Dwiteeya Pararthe) We call 1000 Chatur Yugas as a Kalpa. Now this Kalpa is called as Shwetha Varaha (Shwetha Varaha Kalpe) To rule these 1000 Chatur Yugas, Brahma appointed 14 Manus. Each Manu will rule for 71.42 Chatur Yugas, means after ruling for 71 chatur yugas, present Manu will retire and new Manu will be appointed. Now 7th Manu is ruling and he is Surya Bhagwan. Vivaswaan is his alias name, this Manu is called (Vaivasvatha Manvanthare). Out of 71 Chatur Yugas of current Manu, we are in 28th Chatur Yuga (AshtaaVimshathi Thame) (Ashta means 8 Vimshathi means 20) In 28th Chatur Yuga, we are in Kali Yuga. Again Kali yuga is divided by 4; Means 4,32,000/4 = 1,08,000 Years. This quarter is called as Pada in Sanskrit. We are in 1st pada (Prathame Pade) Original Sankalp is included both Time & space.
Now will have a look of Full Sankalp Mantra:
Adhya Brahamanah, Dwiteeya Pararthe, Swetha Varaha Kalpe, Vaivasvatha Manvanthare, Ashta Vimshathi Tame Kali yuge, Prathame Pade JambuDweepe, Bharatha Varshe, Bharata Khande, Meruh Dakshine Sakhapde ashmin followed by: name of the current year (As per Sanatana Dharma Calendar we have 60 years & each year will have a unique name) Ruthu, Month, Thithi, Nakshatra of the particular day & on which day we’re performing, followed by family Gowthram & individual name. Now we are in 35th Year So far we have completed approx. 5000 years in Kali Yuga.

Now will see how we calculate Space & Geography –

Source: Srimad Bhagawatam
- Saptarishi
- Manvanthara period
- Kalpa period
- Names of the years in Sanskrit
- Dhruva Tapas
- 14 lokas
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