We were taught that the first Aeroplane was flown by Wright Brothers in 1903. As this is mentioned in our textbooks but the question arises that is it true or not? So for this, we need to go in the past and check whether we get any trace of aircrafts’ or not, or the information written in our books is right or wrong. let’s check the world’s oldest Hindu text Rigveda. Rigveda Says:
सोमा॑पूषणा॒ रज॑सो वि॒मानं॑ स॒प्तच॑क्रं॒ रथ॒मवि॑श्वमिन्वम्।
वि॒षू॒वृतं॒ मन॑सा यु॒ज्यमा॑नं॒ तं जि॑न्वथो वृषणा॒ पञ्च॑रश्मिम्॥ RV 2/40/3
हे (वृषणा) बलिष्ठ वायु और अग्नि के समान वर्त्तमान विद्वानों! तुम (सोमापूषणा) अग्नि और वायु (रजसः) लोकसमूह के (अविश्वमिन्वम्) जिससे अविद्यमान समस्त पदार्थों को अलग करते हैं जो (विषूवृतम्) व्यापक गमन से ढका हुआ (सप्तचक्रम्) जिसमें सात चक्र (पञ्चरश्मिम्) तथा पाँच प्राण-अपान-व्यान-उदान और समान रश्मि के तुल्य विद्यमान (मनसा) जो अन्तःकरणस्थ विचार से (युज्यमानम्) युक्त किया जाता उस (विमानम्) आकाश में गमन करानेवाले (रथम्) रमणीय यान को (जिन्वथः) चलाते हैं (तम्) उसको जानो ॥३॥
मनुष्यों को चाहिये कि अन्तरिक्ष में गमन करानेवाले सात कलायन्त्र घुमाने के जिसमें निमित्त, ऐसे शीघ्र गमन करानेवाले रथ को बनाकर सुख पावें ॥
Soma and Pusha, fire and air, all-invigorating powers, create, animate, and refresh that aerial chariot with seven chakras (circles and centers of energy) and five controls for the people it traverses the spaces and goes all over in all directions but is not perceived everywhere and it can be controlled with the mind.
By reading this article you will clearly know that aircraft was mentioned in ancient Hindu text Rigveda & Indian ancient Sages (scientist) has advanced knowledge of aircraft & the information which is written in our textbooks are completely wrong. There is a book called Vhrid Vimmanika (वृहद विमानिका) sastra by Maharishi Bharadwaj which tells all these things in details. According to the latest research, NASA is also working on such type of aircraft which can fly with the help of Mercury & this is also mentioned in Vimmanika sastra.
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