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Various controversial rituals and customs having their roots in the medieval times are used to defame Sanatan Dharma even today. Despite these practices being defunct for a long time now, they are used to vilify us and are used even today to prove us backward and inhuman. One of these
In Srimad Valmiki Ramayana, Ayodhya Kanda – when Sri Rama leaves for Vanavaas – His brother Bharata came to know about His mother Kaikeyi‘s trick to make Her son the King of Ayodhya, without the knowledge of Bharata. Bharata accused Her how can she ask for a boon from Bharata’s
उनका प्रारंभिक जीवन और संघर्ष: बदलते समय के साथ साथ हमने अनेको बलिदानियों और उनके बलिदान को भूला दिया है ,आरम्भ से ही पंजाब और भारत के इतिहास में खत्रियो का बहुत बड़ा योगदान रहा है और इन्ही बलिदानियों में से एक थे खत्री (क्षत्रिय)कुल में जन्मे स्वर्गी महाशय राजपाल
परिवार का एक संक्षिप्त परिचय: यहाँ यह अत्यंत आवश्यक है कि मदन लाल ढींगरा जी के परिवार के चित्रण को उजागर किया जाये ताकि उनके और उनके परिवार के बीच अंतर को उजागर किया जाए। वे बहुत अलग थे, जैसे पूर्व और पश्चिम, उत्तर और दक्षिण, दिन और रात। उनके
A short intro to his family: Here It’s necessary to draw Madan Lal dhingra’s family’s sketch to highlight the differences between him and his family. They were very different, much like east and west, north and south, day and night. After reading about his family you would easily be able
Chola Dynasty Rarely anybody knows about the Chola’s family tree because we are made to read about invaders and looters Britishers and Mughal who destroyed our history. The Chola dynasty is considered to be one of the longest-ruling dynasties in human history. The dynasty continued to govern over varying territory
The Bhavishya Purana & Skanda Purana have identifies 3 place in Bharata for Sun worshiping at three specific hours of day as sun rays have the healing power and Konarka is one of them.
Manakula Vinayaka Temple is one of the famous Ancient Temple in Puducherry, The temple is 400 meters West of Bay of Bengal Sea, 165 Km South of Chennai. The main deity Manakula Vinayaka of this Temple is facing east. This Temple is called as Manakula Vinayaka, as that time there
His early life and struggle : With the changing times, we have forgotten many martyrs and their sacrifices, Khatris (Kshatriyas) have been a great contributors to the history of Punjab and India from the very beginning and among them one great martyr was Swargiya Mahashay Rajpal born in Khatri family
In 2016, a Pakistani Rohingya Muslim born in Karachi and raised in Saudi Arabia named Ataullah Abu Ama, creates Arakan Rohingya Savation Army (ARSA), killing 9 Burmese soldiers and other 45 civilians. They also begin a pogrom of religion inspired rapes and destruction of Burmese women, especially Hindu, Buddhist, and