Dr. M.L. Raja
Dr. M.L. Raja is a native of Maravankuttai, District Erode, Tamilnadu State of Bharat.
He is a Doctor in Practice having Qualifications M.B., B.S., D.O., M.A., D.I.A.E. By Profession he is an Ophthalmologist and Historian also. Dr. Raja is researching in the field of the Historical Chronology of Bharat since the Mahabharata period to the recent past.

Dr. M.L. Raja
Dr. Raja is graduated from Coimbatore Medical College, Stanley Medical College Chennai, both of Madras University, Annamalai University, and Tamilnadu Open University.
His Spouce Dr. R. Sankareswari, is also M.B., B.S., M.D., D.G.O., F.I.C.O.G., and Son Dr. R. Govardhanan is also M.B., B.S., M.D., (RadioDiagnosis).
Dr. Raja is holding the Designation of Director, AVINASH (Academy on Vibrant National Arts and Scientific Heritage) and also he is a Member of Syndicate Alagappa University, Tamilnadu.
He gave more than 80 lectures in various Universities, Colleges, Schools, and Forums and also presented more than 20 research papers at many International and National Conferences. Dr. Raja has written 10 books and gave more than 25 lectures in Video Conferences.
Important Books:
1. KALIYUGA Inscriptional Evidence, which details 436 inscriptions that are dated in Kaliyuga years
2. Aryabhatta’s Date an Analytical Study
4. Swami Vivekananda and Modern Science
5. Dr. Jagadish Chandra Bose.
Web site avinashresearch.org
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